Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I did a drinking survey on myspace today and it kind of caused a little upset with one of my myspace friends who knew me a while ago when I was a leader at Real Life. I think that his words came out of both ignorance and concern and that he didn't mean to be hurtful or condemning, but it definitely came across that way. I pray that God would help me to not take things so personally and to be able to stand up for His Truth without letting my selfish feelings get in the way. Below is my response to one of his msgs.

"Jesus wants to redeem alcohol just like he wants to redeem everything. Alcohol is just as okay as food, but gluttony is just as wrong as drunkenness. It's important to understand that difference and let Christ redeem and restore all things, from alcohol to food to the environment, to the way we treat each other, to everything else on this earth. The world is being redeemed (as are we), the Kingdom is at hand and I am praying to continue to be in God's will as I live that out as best revealed to me. I understand that you've seen things happen to people when they drink, but the problem is why they drink and that they don't understand the meaning of moderation. I pray I AM an influence to the kids I have poured my life into, I pray they look to me as an example and I will continue to use alcohol in a responsible way, as an adult, living in compliance with the law (I am above the legal drinking age, and after become a Christian I did not drink until I was legal). I know that there have been instances where I have not made the best choices, but that is with anything, as we are human and have a sin nature, but I have asked for the forgiveness of our Lord and He has graciously given it to me and restored me back to Him. I love Jesus and I pray that He continues to Redeem me and continues to change me into who He has for me to be."

I pray that I would truly die to myself and let Jesus live out the things in me that I so desperately believe . The words that I wrote are truly how I feel about EVERYTHING, not just drinking. I pray that God would truly take hold of me and that not that those "changes would take place" but that I would be completely reborn. I love You Jesus, and I thank You for showing me how to accept Your Grace and Forgiveness.


Friday, November 9, 2007


I'm just in a very reflective state right now I suppose. But I just wanted to post some really beautiful photos, God is amazing.

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God is amazing. His creation continues to leave me in awe and filled with wonder.