Monday, April 24, 2006

Vacation and Realization

Well I got back from Grand Haven this morning. I had an amazing trip and God and I really got to talk a ton. We hit this awesome level in our relationship where we have never been before. It's been mind blowing. Realism of life and what things are really about hit me smack in the face. I've been shown so many things and God is really trying to get me to trust him. I literally made it home on fumes. Lol... I had no money on me (I left some at home) and I was on E... 3 miles till empty when I pulled up to my house. Took all of that gas just to restart my car to head to the gas station. Made it there and put 20 bucks in (just an fyi for anyone reading... gas prices are outrageous!!) and everything was good. Came home to get the mail... I definitely am not a math major because I over wrote my checking account before I left and didn't know it. I am now, with fees and such, MAJORLY in debt to my bank. But I have to go and try to clear that up after work tomorrow afternoon. I have, however, decided that I need to start giving God what is his and trust him with my finances... That means tithing!!! I am so bad at it, but I am really going to start because I know that not only is it the right thing to do, but I really want to do it. I also am going on a Mission Trip with Watermark.... and guess where?!?! New York City!!!! For a WHOLE week!!!! I'm frickin excited!!! It's the second week of July. Oh and I'm registered for classes. I start June 27th (I know I'm going to be missing 6 hours of class when we go to NYC, but that's such a once and a life time trip, I gotta go)... yeah a summer class. I'm really excited about that one!!! It's History and it should be really cool. Speaking of cool, I just want everyone to know that Wally and Sarah Harrison are the most AWESOME people on the planet. I absolutely ADORE Sarah... she's one of the nicest, sweetest, honest, caring, just all around greatest people I've ever had the privilege to meet, even though she's not much older than me, I look up to her so much. And Wally... he's so awesome, he's really just one of those people I could talk to about God for HOURS, he has such amazing insight and just an awesome outlook on it all. He's got such an awesome heart and it's so evident that he's chasing hard after Jesus. And I really like Nate too. He's so great. I went to the hub b4 Wally and Sarah got back on Sunday and he really just made me feel like I was right at home. Everyone did really. But I just really like Nate and his wife. Hanging out with the four of them after Cession (Watermark's youth ministry) on Sunday was just so amazing. I am so happy that I'm going to be moving there. God is just so awesome. And on that note... I'm off for the night... stuff to do, then hittin the hay...



KayMac said...

Wow! Happy for you...sad for the rest of us...altho Grand Haven is not the other side of the world!!

mel capra said...

woo hoo. that's delightful. Grand Haven is the other side of the world when it's your BFFL moving there!

mel capra said...

God will use you huge. I know it.