Saturday, September 9, 2006

You know that you are not alone

I was having a very rough night. It was like everything that has been going on inside and outside of my life had finally caught up with me and I felt like I was having an emotional breakdown, which came to it's breaking point when I got into a huge fight with my mom. God made Himself known to me so clearly that I just had to write it here. I cried out to Him, harder than I possibly ever had in my life. I needed to feel like everything was going to be okay. Things just seemed like they were piling up on top of my chest and that I couldn't breathe. I've felt that way for a little while now, but tonight it all caught up to me.... It felt like there was no where to go, nothing that would fix everything that was wrong and I just knew I couldn't handle it. I begged for God's peace and His comfort. I felt so alone and like there wasn't a person I could talk to in the world. I knew no one's words would make me feel any better. And I didn't know what to do. All I could do was cry out in a whisper through all of the pain that I was feeling. And all of a sudden, His answer came upon me like a sudden rain.

"I will provide everything that you need and take from you everything that you don't. Trust me."

Wow. I have literally never felt such peace. It didn't make all the problems go away, it just gave me a different perspective. God will take care of everything. I really trust Him. I just really feel an overwhelming sense of peace. God has really taken care of me in the past and I just tend to block that out when I'm going through something new or a lot of things at once. But I am His daughter and He loves me very much. I know that everything is going to happen according to God's ultimate plan and I think that I've finally grasped that and it's a beautiful thing. :)


1 comment:

KayMac said...

A beautiful thing, indeed!!