Saturday, December 2, 2006

Talkin to Aaron Edwards

So last night I was talking to Aaron, it started as a response to a question I posed in my last blog about free will. Here are a few highlights and things that were talked about that really made me laugh during the conversation in between all of the picking on me for liking Brian McLaren....

But first, the serious recap that actually had to do with the question in my last blog: Aaron believes that Adam and Eve chose to sin, and it wasn't God making them do it. Though I hear Dave Todd has a very different opinion.

And now....

God didn't ordain Aaron to be playing with crumbs.

Aaron's picture can be found next to the word tangent in the dictionary.

We need to buy a Thesaurus to figure out new words for things like Christian and Relevant.

And some funny quotes....

"Does the F-bomb offend you? Because I'm gonna use it."

"Is she the Armenian? Because I can smell 'em, ya know?!"

"Dave Todd is really smart." (-me) "Yeah that's why I said he's got the mind of a philosopher hidden in the body of a bear." (-Aaron) (or just a big scary man (-me)).....

Aaron Edwards is pretty funny, I'm not gonna lie.

1 comment:

Sara Maria said...

Agreed. The kid has a gift for humor.