Sunday, February 26, 2006

Life or something like it

I've been in such a weird state the last week or so. I started my new job, which I actually like a lot. Um, I've been in such an interesting mood... I can't really discribe it. I'm not depressed anymore. I think it may actually be happiness... I'm trying to be patient on the promises God has given me. As I have recently found out, I am not a patient person. I am however so happy with my friends right now. I love them so much. They really make me see the blessings God will give me if I wait for Him. I love all of them so much. I know I said that already, but I don't think that I can stress it enough. They are so amazing. What would I do without them? They show God's love to me every day. I know that I'm still kinda like "Well hey God, where's this boyfriend of mine" sometimes, but NO WHERE near as much as I was before. It has grown much easier to see my friends happy and still be alone for now. Like Mel and Dave. I am so incredibly happy for them. I'm glad that they are together and really care so much for one another. I am so excited for Danielle and Aaron's wedding. I'm happy for Brynne and Adam. I mean, yeah it's kinda lonely when I see em all cuddly and stuff, but now I just rest secure in my heart that my "husband to be" is out there waiting for me just the same. That's such an awesome thought. I dunno, to me anyway. Like I'm sitting here thinking that I wish that we could find each other and he is somewhere else in this same world, thinking the same thing. That's the coolest thought to me. It's not like he doesn't exsist. He's really out there. We just have to let God change us into the people we need to be for each other before He can put us together. And I know he's gonna be worth the wait. Every time those thoughts of loneliness creep up in the old noggin (Fyi: Anchorman quote) I just think of that and they leave. It's really amazing. And let me tell you what... The movie Elizabethtown is SOOO awesome. I want a romance like that. Where we meet and we just click, talk on the phone till the sun rises :) Aww... I'm such a hopeless romantic. :) I'm alright with that though. Anyway... back to more important stuff. God is really moving in me. It's so awesome. I feel so different inside. It's really cool. And sometimes I start to revert back to my old ways of thinking and doing and such and He just calmly reminds me of the track I'm supposed to be running on. It's cool that He's kind of I dunno, given me some wisdom. I really want to find out my work scedule soon so that we can plan "Purple Like Reggae". Speaking of work I better go... I'll be late if I don't because I still have to stop and get gas.


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