Friday, May 26, 2006

Pouring Down Like the Rain

Well I guess this is a start to a fun, but super busy weekend. God has blessed me so much these last few weeks. He has given me amazing friends, which I affectionately call my family, he’s helped me through things that I never thought I’d make it through, he has blessed me with an amazing new laptop, and just today I went to pick up my replacement phone and I guess they decided to upgrade my phone. I haven’t got it yet (they’re swapping the phone book right now and I’m at Panera eating some soup), but the lady who was helping me went back to see if it was in and she walked back to me and was like “whoever ordered your phone hooked you up”. They didn’t just upgrade it a little. It was like I skipped 3 upgrades she said. So how frickin awesome is that? I love Jesus! Tonight I’m going out with my friends to see X-men 3. I’m pretty excited. I am gonna miss this place. It’s less than a month until I leave here. Jon’s only gonna get to hang out with me for 2 more weeks. It’s sad I’m leaving all of my best friends, but I really just can’t wait to make this change. Melissa’s right, this is a dream come true for me. I’ve always known I wanted to get the heck out of Downriver. I’ve always known I was meant for something different. I don’t know exactly what it is yet, but I feel like I’m finally on the right path. I pray that things with me and God can keep going the way that they have been. I just feel so safe, like I’m on the edge of the proverbial cliff and I can finally just let go and trust that God will catch me. It’s a feeling I’ve never experienced before but it is really amazing. It’s so weird to think that less than 2 weeks ago I was questioning if God even loved me. But now I know the answer. And I love Him more than I even thought possible. He is shaping and changing me. I feel so awesome inside. I love you Jesus.


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