Friday, July 21, 2006

The Story We Find Ourselves In

So I got home last night and could barely put the book down. I ended up staying up until 2:30 in the morning and finishing it. I got up this morning at 10:30 and started the next book in the series "The Story We Find Ourselves In"... here are a few things that I've pulled out so far...

It's none of your business who does and does not go to hell. It is your business to be warned by it and to run, not walk, in the opposite direction! It's your business to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, to love your neighbor as yourself, to have confidence in Jesus Christ and live as Jesus lived. Let the imagery of hell remind you that life is serious business, that there are real conciquences to how we live and believe and that justice and injustice ultimtely matter more than most of what people worrry about. Now stop speculating about hell and start living for Heaven.

God doesn't want to be the only reality in our lives, the only relationship in our network, the only message on our screen.

I think the story tells us that the Creator wants man and woman to find each other, as a lost part of themselves. And so in the story we have the man and the woman, naked, together, both innocent and passionate, not ashamed to see or be seen, to know and be known, to need and to be needed, to want and to enjoy another being, given by The Being.

It's as if God is the Master Artist and the world is a studio and God creates us in it to be young apprentices, God's students, learning to create too. God created us to be creators (birth, ideas, ext.).

These are just some of the things I've written in my journal to ponder. I am amazed by seeing how much God is changing so much about me. It's such an awesome feeling. Thanks Mama Kathy for listening to me ramble for so long about this. And thanks for your prayers. I love you a ton!

For the rest of you who are reading this, please keep me in your prayers because I have so much going on right now with school and work and living arangements.... so much will be changing and so much is changing in me. I am happy that things are going the way they are and I am trusting in God to lead the way. Please do the same for me :)....



1 comment:

KayMac said...

love you too...and it wasn't!